Terreno en venta en Hotel Land 27 HA 210 M FROM Beach en Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen, Cancún y Riviera Maya


ID #591956
imagen de la propiedad
imagen de la propiedad
imagen de la propiedad
imagen de la propiedad
imagen de la propiedad
imagen de la propiedad

Sobre la propiedad

  • Tipo de propiedad

  • Operación

  • Superficie

    27000 m²
    Metros cuadrados
  • Recámaras

    No. recámaras
  • Baños

    No. baños completos


The land has a total area of ??27.2 hectares with a beachfront of 210 linear meters (688.5 feet) and is made up of two fractions; the first consists of 20 hectares (49.629 acres) and the second of 7.2 hectares (17.86 acres). The property is rectangular in shape with a gentle upward slope from the beach towards the access to the land, where it reaches a height of 8 meters above sea level. The property is free of all encumbrances, encumbrances or domain limitations. INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES The electrification, gas and telephone networks are located at the foot of the land. Drinking water: without municipal network and its supply will be self-sufficient. Drainage: without municipal network and its treatment will be self-sufficient. LEGAL DOCUMENTATION Available We are a strong team of bilingual agents who are dedicated to provide the best service of professionalism. Our solid foundation of values such as excellence, respect, dedication, reliability, has helped THE TEAM to grow and consolidate. Founded in 2001, we stood the test of time, proven ourselves to be a dependable and successful business. Thanks to time, our experience in the Mexican Caribbean provides a high level of service to your clients. All our agents are 100% bilingual with experience, we are leaders in service and professionalism, we grow and consolidates thanks to the effective work of our team, excellence, respect, dedication and responsibility are the foundation. The work team is specialized in the Mexican Caribbean, together with Lawyers, title companies, appraisers and Legal Advisers, we offer personalized attention..

¿Me alcanza para esta propiedad?


  • Superficie

    27000 m²
  • Superficie construída

    27000 m²



Simula tu crédito con Clau

Valor de la propiedad:$538,952,000 MXN

Para adquirir esta propiedad necesitas:

Pago inicial
Pago mensual*
* Los montos son aproximados y pueden variar de acuerdo al análisis del banco.